6th Grade World Studies:
这一层次的世界史旨在向学生介绍古代文明的基本原理,从最早记录的“文明”建设事件(包括政府的核心要素), religion, social classes, infrastructure, and writing) through the modern history of these same developed countries. 学生们将学习文明的每一个核心要素如何影响世界不同地区,以及这些影响如何导致不同的政治, social, religious, and economic events that make up the history of man. In addition, 学生将把圣经历史事件与他们所学习的不同文明联系起来. 这是令人兴奋的学生看到上帝在世界历史上非常真实的存在. Bible stories come alive as those real historical events unfold in class studies.
7th Grade American Republic:
这门美国历史课的目的是向学生介绍美国发展的前半部分. A strong emphasis is on the Christian heritage of America, 学生将通过分析创始人的主要文件来获得这种理解. 研究的时间框架是15世纪美国内战和重建时期的早期探索. Students will delve into the threads of differing philosophies that will carry the nation from rebellion to unity; then they will study how the breakdown and evolution of those philosophies led to the destruction of that national unity in civil war; finally, 学生们将学习这个国家如何再次重建为美国历史的第二部分奠定基础的民族团结. In order for students to personally connect to the events being studied, they explore early American history through hands-on projects, 21st-century learning techniques, as well as traditional classroom activities and research projects.
8th Grade World Geography (1 Semester):
World Geography is designed to introduce students to the world of geographic study. Our goal is to study the "big ideas" in geography. 这些想法主要建立在理解“地理五大主题”的概念上." Each unit and chapter is driven by a big idea question. 这些问题对于帮助我们的学生更好地理解地理概念是如何联系在一起的,以及为什么地理对理解我们世界的物理是重要和必要的,都是至关重要的, cultural, and modern structure. Students, or as we like to call ourselves, "geographers,“通过各种项目和报告,以及对视觉和传统文本的日常检查,应用和练习我们的技能. As geographers we believe that without geography you are nowhere; geography is power, and that geography is everywhere and everything.
8th Grade Civics (1 Semester):
Our Civics course explains the history of the ideas behind our American government. 它还解释了我们宪法的重要思想以及这些思想是如何形成的. 我们的公民学课本重点介绍了在我国历史上发挥重要作用的主要事件和人物. The students will discover who wrote our Constitution, the thought processes used to protect our lives, liberty, 他们还将了解为什么我们的开国元勋们认为有必要限制政府的权力.
10th Grade World History:
学生们利用中学世界研究课程的基础知识,深入研究古代文明,从早期文明的最早记录事件到这些发达国家的近代史. 学生将学习文明的每一个核心要素如何影响世界不同地区,以及这些影响如何导致不同的政治, social, religious, and economic events that make up the history of man. In addition, 学生将把圣经历史事件与他们所学习的不同文明联系起来. 这是令人兴奋的学生看到上帝在世界历史上非常真实的存在. 圣经的观点被用来分析全球事件,以及哲学和宗教的选择,定义了世界上每个地区.
11th Grade American History:
《hg0088皇冠会员登录》是一门详尽而全面的美国历史概览课程. We build our learning on the philosophy that we are all historians, thus we "read, analyze, and evaluate like a historian.“我们的旅程从考察殖民时期开始,在美国进入21世纪时结束. Special emphasis is placed on important individuals and their contributions to our nation; on growth and development of American social, political, and economic institutions; and on recurring themes throughout American history. 我们也结合了今天的历史及其复杂的问题,通过检查当前的事件. 在整个课程中,学生有机会沉浸在历史主题中. Students conduct research and participate in group activities, simulations, and a variety of projects. It is very important in our class to make American history relevant and exciting. As historians we believe that some of the best lessons we ever learn, 我们从错误和失败中学习,过去的错误是未来的成功和智慧.
AP U.S. History (10th or 11th grade):
This intense class is taught from the official A.P. U.S. History framework and benchmarks acknowledged by the College Board. 所涵盖的材料范围从美国殖民地的建立到2006年. The students taking this class prepare for the A.P. 根据最终成绩提供最多6个大学学分的考试(学分由每所学院/大学决定). Although it is highly encouraged, taking the test is not a requirement for this class. 学生可以选修这门课程,并在高中成绩单上获得社会研究学分,而不必参加春季的期末考试. The skills learned in this college-level class include high level thinking skills, college-ready writing skills, and important communication skills.
U.S. 政府是一门单学期的课程,旨在重点关注我们政治进程的民主原则. 特别强调的是我们的政府系统如何运作的基础和结构,以及它与我们的学生现在和未来的关系. Attention is also given to our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution), as well as the concepts of federalism, the election process, civil rights and liberties, and the three branches of government. We also put an emphasis on political awareness. This includes understanding one's political ideology, stance and position on today's issues, and being able to communicate ones reasoning through classroom discussion, writing, and several group projects. From a biblical perspective, God’s Word tells us how we are to engage in and respond to government as Christians. 通过本课程获得的知识有助于学生更好地理解他们如何与政府互动和参与政府, which ultimately is their responsibility, and which in turn is pleasing unto the Lord.
这是一门单学期的课程,旨在为学生提供基本经济学原理的实用知识,为他们将来的学术工作做好准备, personal, and professional careers. The course is taught from a Christian viewpoint, 主要的教科书是由基督教出版社(BJU出版社)出版的,它特别注意地描述了为什么非保守主义者相信他们所做的,并将圣经的原则和哲学编织到每一章中.
这一层次的世界史旨在向学生介绍古代文明的基本原理,从最早记录的“文明”建设事件(包括政府的核心要素), religion, social classes, infrastructure, and writing) through the modern history of these same developed countries. 学生们将学习文明的每一个核心要素如何影响世界不同地区,以及这些影响如何导致不同的政治, social, religious, and economic events that make up the history of man. In addition, 学生将把圣经历史事件与他们所学习的不同文明联系起来. 这是令人兴奋的学生看到上帝在世界历史上非常真实的存在. Bible stories come alive as those real historical events unfold in class studies.
7th Grade American Republic:
这门美国历史课的目的是向学生介绍美国发展的前半部分. A strong emphasis is on the Christian heritage of America, 学生将通过分析创始人的主要文件来获得这种理解. 研究的时间框架是15世纪美国内战和重建时期的早期探索. Students will delve into the threads of differing philosophies that will carry the nation from rebellion to unity; then they will study how the breakdown and evolution of those philosophies led to the destruction of that national unity in civil war; finally, 学生们将学习这个国家如何再次重建为美国历史的第二部分奠定基础的民族团结. In order for students to personally connect to the events being studied, they explore early American history through hands-on projects, 21st-century learning techniques, as well as traditional classroom activities and research projects.
8th Grade World Geography (1 Semester):
World Geography is designed to introduce students to the world of geographic study. Our goal is to study the "big ideas" in geography. 这些想法主要建立在理解“地理五大主题”的概念上." Each unit and chapter is driven by a big idea question. 这些问题对于帮助我们的学生更好地理解地理概念是如何联系在一起的,以及为什么地理对理解我们世界的物理是重要和必要的,都是至关重要的, cultural, and modern structure. Students, or as we like to call ourselves, "geographers,“通过各种项目和报告,以及对视觉和传统文本的日常检查,应用和练习我们的技能. As geographers we believe that without geography you are nowhere; geography is power, and that geography is everywhere and everything.
8th Grade Civics (1 Semester):
Our Civics course explains the history of the ideas behind our American government. 它还解释了我们宪法的重要思想以及这些思想是如何形成的. 我们的公民学课本重点介绍了在我国历史上发挥重要作用的主要事件和人物. The students will discover who wrote our Constitution, the thought processes used to protect our lives, liberty, 他们还将了解为什么我们的开国元勋们认为有必要限制政府的权力.
10th Grade World History:
学生们利用中学世界研究课程的基础知识,深入研究古代文明,从早期文明的最早记录事件到这些发达国家的近代史. 学生将学习文明的每一个核心要素如何影响世界不同地区,以及这些影响如何导致不同的政治, social, religious, and economic events that make up the history of man. In addition, 学生将把圣经历史事件与他们所学习的不同文明联系起来. 这是令人兴奋的学生看到上帝在世界历史上非常真实的存在. 圣经的观点被用来分析全球事件,以及哲学和宗教的选择,定义了世界上每个地区.
11th Grade American History:
《hg0088皇冠会员登录》是一门详尽而全面的美国历史概览课程. We build our learning on the philosophy that we are all historians, thus we "read, analyze, and evaluate like a historian.“我们的旅程从考察殖民时期开始,在美国进入21世纪时结束. Special emphasis is placed on important individuals and their contributions to our nation; on growth and development of American social, political, and economic institutions; and on recurring themes throughout American history. 我们也结合了今天的历史及其复杂的问题,通过检查当前的事件. 在整个课程中,学生有机会沉浸在历史主题中. Students conduct research and participate in group activities, simulations, and a variety of projects. It is very important in our class to make American history relevant and exciting. As historians we believe that some of the best lessons we ever learn, 我们从错误和失败中学习,过去的错误是未来的成功和智慧.
AP U.S. History (10th or 11th grade):
This intense class is taught from the official A.P. U.S. History framework and benchmarks acknowledged by the College Board. 所涵盖的材料范围从美国殖民地的建立到2006年. The students taking this class prepare for the A.P. 根据最终成绩提供最多6个大学学分的考试(学分由每所学院/大学决定). Although it is highly encouraged, taking the test is not a requirement for this class. 学生可以选修这门课程,并在高中成绩单上获得社会研究学分,而不必参加春季的期末考试. The skills learned in this college-level class include high level thinking skills, college-ready writing skills, and important communication skills.
U.S. 政府是一门单学期的课程,旨在重点关注我们政治进程的民主原则. 特别强调的是我们的政府系统如何运作的基础和结构,以及它与我们的学生现在和未来的关系. Attention is also given to our founding documents (the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution), as well as the concepts of federalism, the election process, civil rights and liberties, and the three branches of government. We also put an emphasis on political awareness. This includes understanding one's political ideology, stance and position on today's issues, and being able to communicate ones reasoning through classroom discussion, writing, and several group projects. From a biblical perspective, God’s Word tells us how we are to engage in and respond to government as Christians. 通过本课程获得的知识有助于学生更好地理解他们如何与政府互动和参与政府, which ultimately is their responsibility, and which in turn is pleasing unto the Lord.
这是一门单学期的课程,旨在为学生提供基本经济学原理的实用知识,为他们将来的学术工作做好准备, personal, and professional careers. The course is taught from a Christian viewpoint, 主要的教科书是由基督教出版社(BJU出版社)出版的,它特别注意地描述了为什么非保守主义者相信他们所做的,并将圣经的原则和哲学编织到每一章中.